Friday, June 10, 2011


yes, old dogs can learn new tricks... i have in a few short but enlightening days learned how to create a blog, take video, edit, add music, save, upload and share with the world.... enjoy

fluidity from K Fuller on Vimeo.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

post numero uno

Teacher Tech Camp Assignment 1

technology.. hmmm...friend or foe? I'd be willing to say it is more of an acquaintance as in my previous career I was immersed in it. As of late, the technology is speeding by so quickly I find it difficult to keep up with all the changes. All in all I would say I know enough to be dangerous to myself and others...

in the classroom I find my students love technology and most are more adept at it than I. Most recently I use lapbooks to do searches and online assignments; use my smartboard extensively to view videos, do presentations, games and showcase artists work...

my hope by taking this workshop is to increase my knowledge of these things called "blogging" and "pod casts" so I able to use it effectively and my students can be more engaged (than they already are, of course) in the arts...

and thus begins a new journey into techdom....